That Pain in Your Head 
If you have recently started suffering headaches more often than usual, then there is a chance you are experiencing secondary headaches. Those are headaches that result from injuries or diseases, and they’re not going to go away with headache medication.
Of course, we never recommend taking medicine for your headaches, but that’s another blog. The bottom line is if you recently started experiencing headaches, and you don’t know what’s causing them, you would be wise to consider one of the following injuries or diseases might be the underlying cause of that pain in your head.
Causes of Secondary Headaches
Acute Sinusitis
Chiari Malformation (Structural damage at the base of your skull)
Dental Problems
Ear Infection in the middle ear
Certain Medications
Overuse of pain medication
Panic Attacks
Post-concussion Syndrome
Intracranial Pressure (Build-up of fluid in the brain)
Trigeminal Neuralgia (Disruption of the nerve that connects the face and brain)
To learn more about migraines download our free e-book below.
You and Your Headaches
Now that you know some of the possible underlying causes of your recent chronic headaches, you can do something about it. An upper cervical chiropractor can examine your upper neck vertebrae for any misalignments that may be the underlying cause of any condition or disease that may be leading to your headaches. Relieving that pressure will allow your body to begin healing itself, thus reducing the frequency of your headaches and eventually eliminating them.
To schedule an upper cervical evaluation in our Apex office simply click the button below.