An Alternative to Headache Medication
If you suffer from migraines, are looking for an alternative to the medication you’ve been taking, and have a history of head or neck trauma, then this is a blog you will want to keep reading. There is an underlying cause for that pain in your head, and you won’t find long-term relief from that pain through taking medication.
Not only is there an underlying cause for that pain in your head, there is most likely a correlation between that pain and those accidents you suffered weeks, months, years or even decades ago. Dr Raymond Damadian, who invented the MRI conducted research using the upright MRI that showed a misalignment of the upper neck vertebrae alters the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which lubricates the brain and the spinal cord, to, from, and throughout the brain.
To learn more about migraines download our free e-book below.
Your Brain and CSF Fluid
When CSF fluid gets backed up in the brain, that pressure can cause various problems, including migraine headaches. That means that while medication may give a person temporary relief, it will not deal with the underlying cause of that pain. The only way to do that is to correct the misalignment, so as to relieve the pressure that is hindering that flow.
Of course, there are many types of injuries that could cause a misalignment of the upper cervical spine. The most common of which is often whiplash, which can occur in a car accident when a person is hit from behind at only five MPH.
Though, if it can occur at such a slow speed, then, whiplash can occur due to a sports related injury, a fall, physical abuse or an altercation, or for several other reasons. Anything that can cause the muscles and ligaments and muscles in the neck to overextend will cause whiplash. And the end result of this injury can manifest itself in various ways, including migraine headaches, if it is not dealt with.
Next week, we’ll look at a case study of two patients who sought relief from their migraine pain through upper cervical chiropractic. This specific type of chiropractic focuses on realigning the upper cervical spine, so the brain can communicate with the body properly, thus allowing a person to find relief from migraines and many other conditions.