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Dr. James Strunk
Your Apex Chiropractor
A friend recommended that I visit Dawn of Health Chiropractic. I have had pain in my lower back and in my hip for more than 20 years. I have seen a traditional chiropractor and received only temporary relief. I have also seen an orthopedic doctor who has treated me with steroid injections in my spine and injections in my hip, both of which were ineffective. The pain continued to get worse. At 77 years old, surgery is the last consideration for me. Because of the pain, I had given up walking my dog, gardening and other activities which required walking any distance or standing for any length of time. My sleep was also affected.

I used to have headaches almost daily. My arms would tingle and my hands would go numb every day when I moved certain ways. Since starting care, my headaches are not as severe and I only notice them if I have done something to provoke them. I am now essentially headache free and my arms and hands are much better. Thank you Dawn of Health and Dr. Strunk! ~Jeff
My name is Laurie and I am proud to say that Dr. Strunk has changed my life. After many neuro visits, emergency visits, acupuncture, hand doctor visits, and many pill combinations, my massage therapist told me about Dr. Strunk and his specialized atlas orthogonal technique. Of course I said, “Why not I have tried everything else. What’s one more under my belt?” (I was scheduled for carpel surgery in 2 weeks). I left his office knowing what was wrong and that he could help me. My atlas bone was in fact turned and this is what was causing all of my excruciating pain. My prayers have been answered. I am so elated to report that I have relieved all of my hand and arm numbness and my migraines have decreased by 75%. And I have stayed balanced for long periods of time. My family and I thank you Dr. Strunk and your team for allowing me to enjoy life once again.
With Sincere Gratitude, Laurie
About three months ago I started to experience tinnitus as severe ringing in my left ear. My primary care physician referred me to two different ENTs who both said there was nothing they could do for me and that I had to learn to live with it. I also had brain and neck MRIs to rule out other causes. I met with a neurosurgeon who said there was nothing he could do for me and that he just didn’t understand the relationship between the neck and tinnitus. From doing some research on the internet, I came across a research study done by an upper cervical chiropractor, Dr. Burcon, who had treated 300 patients who were diagnosed with meniere’s disease. He was able to help or totally cure 97% of the patients. I was not even aware of the differences between the “typical” (manual) chiropractors and upper cervical chiropractors. Since some of the primary symptoms of meniere’s is hearing loss and severe tinnitus, I searched for an upper cervical chiropractor in my area and found Dr. Strunk. During my first visit, Dr. Strunk took X-Rays of my neck prior to making any adjustments so that any misalignment could be identified and specific treatment made. When analyzing my X-Rays, he asked me if I had been hit in the right front of the head in the past 15 to 16 years. It just so happens that 16 years ago, I was in a sail boarding accident and was indeed hit in the right front of the head. Dr. Strunk explained that this caused a substantial misalignment of my C1 (Atlas) and that symptoms typically don’t occur on the average until 15 to 16 years after the accident. He performed a VERY gentle adjustment of my C1 and took X-Rays again so that we could see whether the adjustment made an improvement. Indeed it did! After a good night’s rest, my severe tinnitus was reduced substantially and is much more manageable. Dr. Strunk explained that it will take some time for the nerves to recover and heal from the injury and I believe I’m on my way to recovery. Dr. Strunk was a specific answer to many prayers! He is meticulous and his treatments are very conservative which is what you want when dealing with upper cervical correction. I highly recommend Dr. Strunk to anyone not only experiencing neck pain, but other neurological symptoms that could be a result of a cervical misalignment. ~Bill
For the past six years, I have suffered with excruciating leg pain to the point in which I would spend days unable to walk. Also, I was suffering from painful twitching which made the leg pain worse. One year ago, I additionally noticed a “buzzing” in my head that got progressively worse. I live in Holland and I have spent the last 6 years seeing many doctors. I went through multiple tests and endless different medications with no resolution.
Five months ago, at the suggestion of my brother, I visited a chiropractor in Belgium. I got some relief; however, they learned I would be visiting the United States for 2 months. They recommended I go to Dawn of Health Chiropractic, as they believed they could help me.
The results have been nothing short of miraculous. After taking x-rays, Dr. Strunk knew immediately how to treat me. Gentle adjustments on my neck vertebrae and I am now able to walk pain free for the first time in 6 years. I am walking 3-5 miles a day and the “buzzing” in my head is greatly reduced. I have hope that I will continue to improve and enjoy many more years of pain free living. I am so grateful for Dr. Strunk and Dawn of Health for their care, concern and excellent treatment. ~Gerard
When I first came to see Dr. Strunk, I could not look up or move my head back without feeling severe restriction. I travel a lot for work and this made for very uncomfortable flights and things just seemed to be getting worse with each trip. After a few months of care, Dr. Strunk helped me get a comfortable range of motion back and gave me good exercise advice to help me maintain the progress we made. I am now much more comfortable when traveling. Thanks Dr. Strunk! ~ Craig
A friend referred me to Dr. Strunk as he had helped her so much with back pain. When I called, I was able to get in quickly and easily. The pain and mobility in my arm, back and neck at that point was extreme. After one upper cervical adjustment, I saw improvement. I continued to see dramatic improvement over the next few weeks with regular adjustments and supplements. At the two month mark, I was able to go to maintenance of every 3-4 weeks. What Dr. Strunk did for me in such a short time is nothing short of a miracle. Dr. Strunk, Kim and staff truly care about you and your health. I cannot accurately put into words how grateful I am. ~Elizabeth
When I first started coming to Dr. Strunk’s office, I was having right hip pain and also pain my ears. My ears always felt as if there was water in them which was very painful and very annoying. After just a few adjustments, I am no longer having hip pain nor do my ears bother me. I am a strong believer in Upper Cervical Care and I encourage many to give it a try. Dr. Strunk is an amazing doctor and I am so very thankful for all he has done for me. ~Chelsea
I appreciate what Dr. Strunk has accomplished with my health. My hands were tingling all the time. I would have such severe hand issues that it would wake me up at night so I was not getting much sleep. Dr. Strunk said he could help but that it might take some time for my body to heal. He explained to me how my back and neck alignment could be causing the problems in my hands. I am now free of the tingling sensation in my hands and now am able to sleep through the night. It makes me feel good to be back to normal. Thank you Dr. Strunk and team at Dawn of Health Chiropractic!
George H.
Hi Dr. Strunk –I wanted to send a quick note of thanks to you. When I came to visit you several weeks ago I had been in constant, severe lower back pain for 5 months. The pain was so extreme that it affected every aspect of my life including missing many days of work. I had tried everything possible by that point including several different chiropractors, acupuncture as well as pain killers (which were a last resort for me), all of which did nothing to relieve my pain. When my sister recommended you saying what a great experience she has had from relief of her own back pain, I was very skeptical to visit yet another chiropractor but willing to try anything at that point.
After just 3 adjustments by you I am now back pain free for the first time in 5 months! Every morning I wake up amazed yet again that I can get out of bed without the agony I lived with for so long. I am beyond grateful to you for your help and I look forward to my next adjustment when I am back in your area visiting.
At the risk of being verbose, in addition to the relief of my back pain, Dr. Strunk also took the time to research other chiropractors in my area (unfortunately I don’t live in NC) that provide upper cervical chiropractic care so I could continue my road to health. That kind of compassionate help is just not common with most doctors and truly makes all the difference.
Everyone should know what a life changing experience Dr. Strunk offers and I’m happy to help spread the word J
Thank you! ~Christine
I first visited Dr. Strunk in August 2013 after I was referred by a current patient. Five years ago, I was in a car accident and I have had a lot of pain for the past few years in my shoulders and neck. It was difficult to be on my feet for long periods of time and during exercise. I visited a chiropractor soon after the accident because I thought that it would be helpful with my symptoms, however, it didn’t work.
After my first adjustment by Dr. Strunk, I had NO MORE pain in my shoulders, which was the worst of my discomforts. I have a job that is rather physical and I can now go through a whole day with no pain or very little discomfort. This has been a huge change for me!
I was very impressed with Dr. Strunk and I LOVED the fact that he took x-rays. The technique he uses is much more comfortable than having your body twisted and cracked. I feel like the technique is much more effective than my prior chiropractor.
~Kimberly W
I came to see Dr. Strunk to improve my overall quality of health and to get relieve from carpal tunnel in both of my wrists. I suffered with carpal tunnel issue for about 5 years. I have been to 5 different doctors, had several wrist and elbow surgeries, tried pain medications, ganglion blocks, physical therapy, special topical creams and tens units without results. It would only control the pain for short periods of time. The pain medications make me gain weight and feel sleepy most of the time. Even after the surgeries, I had constant pain in my right wrist and I was unable to grip well, pick up heavy items, or put pressure on my wrist at all. In addition to the pain, I had numbness and tingling constantly. It was becoming difficult to drive, write and type.
I decided to try chiropractic because of Dr. Strunk’s specialized technique. He took his time working with me, answered all my questions and made me feel like I was important. The office staff was pleasant and very helpful. They were able to work with me and fit me in when I didn’t have an appointment.
After only 2 or 3 adjustments, my life is now AMAZING! I have a better quality of life! I am pain free for the 1st time in 5 years. I am off ALL medications, my wrists are no longer numb or tingling, and I am able to lift things without worrying about dropping them. I am able to do things that all the other specialists told me I was never going to be able to do again.
I feel like the upper cervical adjustments made the difference. Also, the cold laser treatments helped me heal and have given me more flexibility in my wrists.
I encourage others to not get caught up in what doctors say. It’s important to take your healthcare into your hands and try different methods. Don’t rely on medications that only mask the pain!
~Melody S.
I met Dr. Strunk and Kim at a church health function. I decided to visit them because I wanted to improve the quality of my life. I had previously tried acupuncture and I saw some positive results. So, I thought I would give chiropractic care a try.
For about 15 years, I have been dealing with severe physical pain. At one point, I tested positive for Rheumatoid Arthritis, however, it turns out that is was Fibromyalgia. I thought I had been handed down a sentence for life. At least I knew the source of my pain and I could now accept that I would hurt for the rest of my life.
As a teenager, I had been exposed to chiropractic care after being in an auto accident. However, that type of care was much different. After visiting Dr. Strunk for the first time, I could not believe how different the practice was from 25 years ago! Everything seemed new, from the adjustments to the special instruments. The level of professionalism with which Dr. Strunk delivers his care, combined with the empathy, is just amazing. The management is extremely helpful and courteous. The office as a whole is a place of peace. I want everyone to come and try this practice out!
I now understand what condition my body is in and Dr. Strunk helped me understand that we can make changes to reverse much or all of the damage. The adjustments have helped me walk in balance. I didn’t think I would ever enjoy walking again until I felt the difference! For the first time, I have found something that is actually going to change my life.
The quality of my life has improved immensely. I can walk with a balanced stride and my headaches, neck and shoulder pain are less intense and not as frequent. Even my attitude has improved all around. If you or anyone you know is in physical pain, Dawn of Health Chiropractic is the place to come and experience alternative healthcare with incredible results!
Berqui A.
I first visited Dr. Strunk about three months ago. My neck seemed to chronically “go out” and I was starting to have sacral issues as well. I am a massage therapist and my physical body is central to the work that I do. I have had these issues on and off for 10 years! I have seen other chiropractors prior to Dr. Strunk and the adjustments would hold for a few weeks or a month before I knew I needed another one. However, it seemed like they were always the same adjustments. I was curious to experience Dr. Strunk’s approach to chiropractic care.
I began seeing results immediately after starting care. It seems like less is being done with more results! It still surprises me when I think of the gentleness and the amazing results I receive. Each appointment is unique and different areas are addressed. I don’t know what to expect going in, like I did with other chiropractors. I always leave feeling so much better! He addresses the person in the moment and the sessions balance you based on where you are now, not where you were during your last visit.
~Lorri G.
Dr. Strunk, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your help. After my car accident, my ankle was in so much pain. The accidenet wasn’t even too serious, but the discomfort afterwards was debilitating. I couldn’t walk properly for about a week and a half. After two visits with you, I feel like a new woman. I can now rest all my weight on my formally “bad ankle”, and I feel totally fine. Not only am I physically feeling better, but the mental space that was being taken up from the pain is allowing me to focus better at work and enjoy my life!
~Jessica R.
Dr. Strunk, Thank you so much for everything you have done for me! I am in the process of moving and I’m doing great. With the adjustments and the exercises that you gave me I have not had any problems, even with our move. I am much more aware of my posture and my body and keeping my muscles activated while I am doing things. Most importantly, I’m not trying to push myself farther than my body says I should go. Thank you so much for all of your help. It is far beyond appreciated!
~Maria M.
I came to see Dr. Strunk after a family friend recommended him. For more than 5 years, I had severe headaches, back pain and breathing problems and I couldn’t find a solution. The headaches were severe enough that they would keep me in bed and unable to function all day. My back and breathing problems were also interfering with my everyday life and limiting my exercise and work routines. I tried several prescription and over the counter medications. They either did not work or just temporarily solved the problem. After several months of care from Dr. Strunk, I feel great! I am no longer on any medications and I rarely have headaches and when I do they do not inhibit my everyday life. I have almost no back pain, shortness of breath or breathing problems. It’s amazing that my body is back to normal and I am so thankful to Dr. Strunk for helping me!
~Laura W.
Before my care with Dr Strunk I suffered with migraine headaches and I would get blurry vision every time I turned my head. I was taking migraine medicine and antidepressants for 3 years. I just could not cope with stress very well because I was constantly suffering with these symptoms. A co-worker recommended me to Dr Strunk and I am so happy they did! My quality of life has improved dramatically, I deal with stress much better, sleep better, have less mood swings and the headaches are few and far between. Thanks SO MUCH! You really did a miracle with the problems I was having. I can’t believe I suffered so long before getting help! Thanks!
~Stacy G.
About 18 months ago I had a bad fall and hit my head. I have been trying to recover from back pain for almost 2 years. I have seen other chiropractors and I just wasn’t receiving relief. I came to visit Dr. Li with Apex Acupuncture and he told us about Dr. Strunk. I wanted to see if he could help the problems with my back. After meeting Dr. Strunk, I felt like he was concerned and could help me. After a few visits, I am walking better and I have less pain. My pain is more tolerable and each adjustment seems to show progress on the overall problem. I encourage others to keep up with your visits and you will see significant improvement.
~Stanley L.
After a visit with Dr. Strunk I was so relieved to see my son comfortable again. He now is free of eczema and was breathing better almost immediately. My husband even noticed our son was better before I told him we had seen Dr. Strunk! Thank you for helping my baby boy feel good again!
~Veronica S.
I had an uncontrollable neck spasm that would pull my shoulders up and then my head would pull to one side or the other. This problem started after working over my head hanging my model airplanes in the garage. On a scale of 0-10 the pain and spasm would be a 12! This kept me from acting normal due to this random spasm. After seeing Dr. Strunk and having my neck adjusted, the symptoms completely went away. I am feeling back to normal now in all facets of work, play and well- being. My overall sense of well-being is much better now and I feel my posture is better as well. Thanks!
~Roy M
Dr. Strunk, Your approach to my back problem was extremely gratifying and effective. You made me feel important! You explained what was wrong and what you wanted to do to help me. Your gentleness was appreciated and the results were fantastic. You’re not like other chiropractors. You are more interested in helping me and not just getting the money. Thank you Dr. Strunk!
~Jim S.
Ever since college, I had headaches, jaw pain, and allergies.Sometimes, my headaches would be so bad that I would lie on the bathroom floor because it was cold and it was the only place I was semi-comfortable. After finding general chiropractic, most of my symptoms went away but I still had headaches and jaw pain once a month or more.My neck would get really tight and I always felt like I needed to be adjusted. Dr. Strunk began Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care with me and my need to be adjusted greatly decreased. I no longer feel the tightness and the need to “pop” my neck. I rarely have headaches and absolutely no jaw pain. I love how gentle Dr. Strunk’s care is and he is so compassionate! It’s amazing how Upper Cervical Care has changed my life! Thank you Dr. Strunk!
~Kimberly L.