I had Severe Pain throughout my Entire Spine, Nausea, and Stomach Pains. I couldn’t get out of bed or even move without having Excruciating Pain. My Medical doctors diagnosed me with Liver Cancer. The Doctors weren’t sure what caused the Cancer nor were they hopeful due to my initial response to Chemotherapy. I had 6 rounds with no improvement. The Cancer had moved to my Spine. About 4 months ago I was told there was nothing else they could do. They weren’t sure how long I had but they said “they would do everything they could do to keep me comfortable until it was my time.” In spite of their outlook I was hopeful, until the pain got so bad I couldn’t move. The Doctors had me on 7 different medications to keep the pain under control. “I was on as much Morphine as they could give me without shutting my nervous system down”, said my Oncologist.
After my correction, I felt “different.” I went to sleep within a few hours. When I awoke the pain had reduced dramatically. Over the next day or so the pain became non-existent. My energy level increased, Nausea was gone, and my Stomach didn’t hurt. I felt like I did before the cancer. The Medical Doctors took me off all my medication and instructed me to take Tylenol if I started to hurt again. I’m excited to see what my blood work and update exam will show. The Doctors are now very hopeful of my condition. My Doctor said “Due to my sudden improvement, I have a good chance now.” I’m so thankful for Upper Cervical Care. If it wasn’t for Upper Cervical Care I would still be laying in bed with severe pain and no hope.
God Bless,