Migraines Apex North Carolina
Migraines are a multifaceted condition. Triggers of migraines are frequently stackable, meaning that one trigger may not do anything but an accumulation of 2 or 3 may lead to a migraine.
The most common foundational problem that when it exists can make you more susceptible to migraines is an underlying head or neck injury that is leading to changes in blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow to and from and through your brain. When this problem is present you will be much more likely to be sensitive to migraine triggers.
That being said, there are certain foods that have been regularly tied to migraines. I have listed a few of them below, you can get the full list in our free e-book.
Foods That Can Trigger Migraine Attacks
- MSG: This is a type of spice which is commonly used in Chinese foods. This is basically a type of salt. However, this type of salt has different chemical properties than the regular salt that you use. MSG is a potential trigger for regular headaches and if you happen to have migraine, it can trigger that too. This is why you should avoid consuming MSG.
- Vinegar: Another possible trigger for migraine is vinegar. You should avoid using vinegar in the food you cook.
- Citrus Juices: You may be using citrus juices in many types of foods. These juices can trigger migraine pains.
Migraine attacks can occur when you are constantly exerting yourself without getting proper hydration. You will also experience similar symptoms if you skip meals. Stress can also be a major factor.
If you have migraines, you should consider drinking lots of water and staying hydrated all day long. A good rule of thumb is to drink about half your body weight in ounces of water per day. To make sure you are getting enough nutrition, you should eat 5 to 6 small meals daily. This will keep your body well-nourished and you will be able to avoid migraine.
Most people who suffer from migraines may also find wheat cereals and certain types of processed meat to be a trigger. Also, alcoholic beverages and drugs should be avoided at all costs.
To learn more about migraine triggers download our free e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End Your Migraines below…