Do You Get Migraines? 
Migraines can be a debilitating health problem. Here are 7 things that you probably have not heard about these debilitating headaches.
Migraines can be a debilitating health problem. Here are 7 things that you probably have not heard about these debilitating headaches.
A recent story on ABC news reported about children suffering with migraines. Often we think of migraines as something that only affects adults, but research reports say that migraines in childhood probably occur more then you think.
I was recently watching a youtube video where Troy Aikman describes his battle with Migraine headaches and how now that he is on the right medication everything is alright. What is the logical fallacy in that thinking? If you have the right medication everything is okay. Well what does medication do on its most basic level? Is it really better living through chemistry? Let’s a take a look.
A neck strain is what is commonly known as whiplash, and it occurs when there is damage to the neck muscles or tendons. It can be can be caused by a collision from behind at only five MPH that causes your head to jerk forward and then backward.
If you have recently started suffering headaches more often than usual, then there is a chance you are experiencing secondary headaches. Those are headaches that result from injuries or diseases, and they’re not going to go away with headache medication.
On November 21, 2012, brain imaging shows changes in the brains of people with post-concussion syndrome (PCS), according to a study published online in the journal Radiology.