Standard Process Nutritional Support
As a nation, we eat poor-quality foods that have been stripped of nutrients. We do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of us get our whole grains from instant rice, refined wheat breads, pastas, and cereal. We eat a tremendous amount of prepackaged, pre-made meals. One-quarter of Americans eat at fast food restaurants each day. Americans are overfed and undernourished.
There is good news! Given proper nutrition, the human body has an amazing ability to heal itself. To do so, we need to eat a healthier diet, exercise, and take high-quality supplements made from whole foods. Whole food supplements supply our bodies with nutrients we are not getting from our diet, all the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients that foods possess in a way that nature intended, in a whole food form. Only whole food supplements complete the nutritional gap! They work together to provide you with optimal nutrition for good health.
There are many different kinds of supplements on the market, and it can be very confusing to determine the true value of a supplement. We often think that more is better when choosing supplements, quality is far more important than quantity. A small amount of a vitamin in whole food form is far more effective in the human body than a large dose of an isolated vitamin that is just a fraction of the whole. We have products available that are personally selected for you and your specific needs!